Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Learning Step-By-Step Day School Family Cookout

My mother owns and runs a daycare center and this is the daycare that Gabriella attends. This evening the school had its annual family cookout. It was carnival themed and a great time was had by all.

Prior to the cookout, Gabriella took a nice, long, three-hour nap! She needed the long nap because the remainder of the day would be action-packed!:
Prior to the cookout we purchased balloons for the event. Gabriella was surrounded by balloons in the back seat of the car!:
Arriving for the party:
Because we arrived several hours prior to the start of the cookout, Gabriella got to enjoy the inflatable bouncie house all by herself. She has never liked being in the bouncies, but has never had the chance to be in one by herself. She really enjoyed being in it without other children, probably because she wasn't being bounced all over and didn't have other kids bumping into her.:
Gabriella had fun bouncing with "Tita" Candace:
Gabriella and Cousin Bella:
She enjoyed the cotton candy and made it look so delicious!:
Gabriella and Ava:
My little clown!:
Gabriella and friend Isaiah:
Gabriella enjoyed being up on Ken's shoulders!:
Gabriella and "Tita" teasing one another!:
Taking a much needed break!:
After most of the guests had left and while everybody else was busy cleaning, Gabriella enjoyed playing in the playground.:
We arrived home after 9:00 PM! We bathed Gabriella quickly and then put her to bed. She was immediately fast asleep.

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