Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cousin Andrew's Birthday Party

Today was Gabriella's cousin Andrew's birthday party. Gabriella woke up late from her nap, so we ended up arriving late to the party.
Gabriella ate LOTS of watermelon...she LOVES watermelon...:
...and she ate lots of candy too. She was a little extra "wired" this evening because of all of the sugar she consumed today!:
...and MORE watermelon!:
They had an inflatable Slip and Slide that the kids loved:
When the big kids were done playing in the Slip and Slide, the little kids (Gabriella and Isabella) went in. Gabriella had been studying it for quite a while but kept saying "no" when I asked her if she wanted to go on it. She finally agreed to let me change her into her bathing suit.:
Gabriella very much dislikes water, but had a great time with Bella on the Slip and Slide. They obviously didn't "slip" or "slide" but they enjoyed bouncing and splashing in the small puddles of water.:
...and MORE watermelon!:
Gabriella went onto the Slip and Slide without a diaper. She is not potty trained and we have not attempted potty training yet, but when she got out of the water she sat on the toilet to try to potty. She did not go. When we got back outside she sat on Grammy's lap to eat a cupcake...:
...and left behind a nice surprise on Grammy's lap!:
Gabriella's cousin, Bella, being a diva!:
...well, maybe a silly diva!:

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