Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Visiting the Children's Museum with Ava and Aunt Kathy

Today we visited the Children's Museum in Easton with self-proclaimed "sister" Ava and Aunt Kathy and had a great time! We have family membership to the Museum and enjoy visiting. It was a rainy, dreary, cool day, so being that it was not an outdoor weather kind of day, it was a great way to release some toddler energy!

Gabriella, Aunt Kathy, and Ava getting ready to go:
We had stopped and had lunch at Papa Gino's and went to Home Depot before the Children's Museum. Gabriella and Ava had a great time riding around Home Depot in the car buggy.
Checking out the "Pirate's Den" at the Children's Museum:
Putting on "make-up!:"
Ava had a blast with the make-up. She covered her face with it! Gabriella only put a couple lines on her face and did not want Aunt Kathy or I to put any on her. Both Gabriella and Ava, though, loved putting make-up on Aunt Kathy and covering my face with the make-up! Luckily we didn't get any photos of that!
Gabriella carried this doll around the Museum for quite a while. She would sit it in various places around the Museum, sit next to it, then pick it up and find a new place to seat it!:
Then, she decided to lay the doll down for "night night" and decided to try take a little nap herself! Gabriella is used to a significant (2+ hours) nap each day, but only took a power nap during the ride from Home Depot to the Museum.
Rolling golf balls down the ball chute:
Playing in the Museum kitchen:
On the way home we passed a garden store that had lots of ducks, roosters, etc. in its yard. I had the brilliant idea to stop to show the girls! They enjoyed it while they were behind the fence, that is until...
...a rooster snuck up behind them. As the rooster walked closer to them, both girls lunged toward Kathy for Kathy to pick them up. They clung on to her and were petrified. It sounds horrible, but I haven't laughed as hard as I did at that moment. It was priceless.
We went back to Aunt Kathy's to play a bit more with Ava. Then we came home, had dinner, and Gabriella was sound asleep by 6:30 PM! She is not used to such an active day with no naps.

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