Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Update on DNA Results

I received an e-mail today from my adoption agency stating, "Please start looking for your interview and pink slip information around Tuesday to Friday of next week." How exciting!

I also received a copy of Gabriella's DNA results. It basically states that the genetic data of Astrid Mariela Draper is identical to that of the genetic data of Astrid Mariela M. C. (Gabriella's birth name). It also states that the likelihood that the two genetic profiles correspond to two different individuals is 1 in 24,780,139,272,110,809,000! That's a pretty big number!

The DNA results officially left Greensboro, NC at 4:59 PM this afternoon and are on route to the the US Embassy in Guatemala. As of this moment, we are on track for them to arrive at the Embassy on Monday.

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