Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Ear Infection

Gabriella has spiked a fever on Tuesday evening. We were quickly able to get the fever down with Tylenol and I wasn't too concerned because she was sick with a stomach bug and I felt that the fever was related to the bug. But yesterday, after she woke up from a nap, she had spiked another fever of 102. Again, we quickly got it down with Tylenol, but I was more concerned. She was not showing any symptoms of the stomach bug and I was concerned as to why she would have had another fever. Other than the fever, though, she had no other symptoms of being ill, but I brought her in to her doctor anyway today. The doctor checked her ears and she has ANOTHER ear infection! She just completed her antibiotic from her last ear infection this past Sunday, but she already has another infection. The doctor (who, by the way, used to be Ken's pediatrician. We see his son who took the practice over from his father. Since the office was so busy today he was filling in and it was the first time we saw him. He was great.) put her on another ten day round of antibiotics and is going to check her again in one week to make sure that the antibiotics are working on the infection. She was showing absolutely no symptoms of being sick but I felt horrible that she was potentially having pain and just dealing with it. She was actually very happy and silly today. These photos were taken before we went to the doctor's office.:

"Dear Santa, I've been good all year! (ask my mommy)!":

Other than the ear infection we had a great day. Ken's uncles came to visit from Virginia and are staying with us this evening. This was Gabriella's first time meeting them. We had a second Thanksgiving dinner with them.

Another very special thing that happened today was that we talked to and saw Gabriella's foster family via a web cam. Daniel had bought us the web cam and gave it to us during our pick-up trip for this reason. But, being un-technically-savy we had not used it until today. Our whole family was together here and Gabriella's whole foster family was together in Guatemala and everybody was very excited and very emotional. It was wonderful. The web feed did not come through extremely clearly from their end, so I know it was kind of difficult for Gabriella to realize who they were. I am sure, though, that she recognized their voices. She was pretty quiet throughout the conversation, but did kiss the computer screen a couple times. She did her fake coughing when I asked her "are you sick?" and they got a kick out of that. We are going to meet again with them via the web cam on Sunday for Daniel's birthday.

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