Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gabriella's First Care Package

My parents and I hit the stores on Friday and I intended to send Gabriella her first care package tomorrow. We also included items for the foster family so that they will spoil Gabriella! I got an e-mail from Hannah this evening, though, stating, "It is not such a good idea to send packages to the foster family directly, or to try to send them by courier. For awhile we had them sent to the attorney, but then they were being charged large customs duties and had to go to the airport to pick them up. We recommend sending through other travelling families, but right now we're not encouraging travel because of the problems. We'll figure out something and talk with you about it after Labor Day."

I am disappointed that I can't get these items to Gabriella.

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