There was extra laughter in our house this morning. Cousin Isabella spent the morning playing with us. The laughter (and play screeching!) truly was ringing through the house; it was fabulous! These are photos of Gabriella and Isabella playing today:Isabella was "roaring" at Gabriella and Gabriella was cracking up!: Isabella is definitely a girly girl! She spots every bug and even bugs that are nearly impossible to see and wants them removed immediately! She wanted to ride the play roller coaster. She walked over to it and saw dirt that had collected in the orange "valley" of the roller coaster. She said, "that's nasty" and walked away because she was disgusted! We convinced her that the car would go right over the dirt and she wouldn't get any of it on her!
Bella was hysterical, she tried to get "into" the play car in the pool!:
Enjoying a snack:
Today was truly a joyous day with two precious girls.
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