Today was Auntie Kathy's birthday. We started off the day with a birthday breakfast. After breakfast Gabriella played outside for a bit while Mommy and Auntie Kathy picked vegetables from the garden. Before taking her nap, Gabriella played on her new Schwinn Tricycle that she received for her birthday from Auntie Kathy, Uncle Al, Kerri, Dave, and Ava. It is SUCH a cute, well-made tricycle and Gabriella loves it.:
After Gabriella's nap and more playing, we went over to Auntie Kathy's house for dinner and cake. Gabriella brought Auntie Kathy roses for her birthday.:
Gabriella has had a lot of practice this month blowing out candles and got to join Auntie Kathy in blowing out her birthday candles as well.:
Gabriella was especially "huggy" today and there were many group hugs throughout the day! Gabriella LOVES group hugs. She extends her arms to whoever is with us and she wants us to all hug together. She does it with Ken and me all the time. It is something that I think she learned from her foster family. It is so funny.
Happy Birthday Auntie Kathy!
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