Today was Gabriella's Elmo themed school birthday party with Gabriella's class. A fun time was had by all.
I had ordered a bakery cake in addition to the one I made because I wasn't sure how mine would come out. It turns out that mine was much cuter than the bakery's! I loved that every kid and teacher in the entire school was able to have a slice of birthday cake because we had so much!
The birthday girl with her party hat:
Ava joined Gabriella's class to celebrate with her. Ava with a frosting nose!:

Getting ready for cake:
Taking a taste!:
While we were singing happy birthday to Gabriella, she acted a bit surprised, like she didn't realize why we were singing to her! It was very cute!:
Ken helping Gabriella blow out her candle:
Digging into the cake!:
Everybody enjoying cake and ice cream:
Ava specially wrapped and decorated a birthday present for Gabriella. It was a Hannah Montana flashlight for our camping trip next week (we are going with Ava's family):
Tomorrow is Gabriella's big day, her actual birthday. We are very excited to celebrate the day with her!
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