Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Oh my goodness! Praise God! He answered my prayers. I received an e-mail notification at 11:53 AM from the US Embassy in Guatemala stating that I received Preapproval today. My preapproval is available for pick-up at Window #10 at the Embassy!

The next step will be for my lawyer to pick up the preapproval and submit my file to PGN. PGN is equivalent to the Attorney General's office in Guatemala. Next week is Holy Week and pretty much everything will be shutting down in Guatemala, so I am not expecting to make any progress next week. But I am hearing that the PGN process has shortened tremendously. It had previously been taking months on average and now it is taking only days or weeks on average for approval. So, please pray that I get submitted to PGN quickly and that there is a quick approval from PGN.

What an up-and-down journey this is. Only yesterday I received a message from the Embassy essentially stating that I would have to wait a few more weeks; I was a complete mess and in tears all day and all morning this morning. Today I have so much adrenaline that I think I could lift a car if it were not for all of my broken bones!

My throat hurts from screaming phrases of joy after I opened the e-mail. I happened to be on the phone with Gia at the time when I opened the e-mail. Gia and I had just completed a call to N. and she and I were talking about how horrible the process was. After I saw the e-mail I started yelling, "I got it, I got it,...," so I think Gia hung up with a blown-out ear drum! Sorry Gia!

Keep saying prayers for Gabriella's homecoming because He's listening!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Congrats! Gabriella is one step closer to being home forever! :)
