Today we got to see "Disney on Ice: Celebrations" again, this time at the Garden in Boston. We saw it for the first time five months ago, in September, in Providence. A local friend through adoption, Kathy, and her son John, were unfortunately sick today and we were the lucky recipients of their tickets. This was a much different experience for Gabriella than the first time we saw it, though, mainly because of our recent trip to Disney World. She recognized all of the characters this time and throughout the show she would say things like, "Where (did) Pluto go?" This was also a bit of a different experience for me. When I saw the black princess the first time, I remember thinking, "Now that I have a daughter, I have to get up-to-date on the princesses!" I also did not understand why there was a scene in the show set in New Orleans. Since September, Disney's "Princess and the Frog" was released and Gabriella and I saw it in the movie theatre (Gabriella's first movie in a movie theatre). I now recognized Princess Tiana (Disney's first black princess...Yay! It's about time, Disney!), Prince, Naveen, and understood the significance of the New Orleans setting.Getting ready to go to the show:
We arrived early for the show. While we were heading to our seats, I noticed Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse through a set of glass doors. I pointed them out to Gabriella and we headed toward the doors so we could peak in. The doors were open and Gabriella started to walk in and I looked to the staff for approval. The staff was so enamored with Gabriella's cuteness that they let us enter! They were having a breakfast for special needs children and Minnie and Mickey were there for photos. Gabriella headed straight for Minnie Mouse and gave her a hug! This was such a nice bonus and totally happened by luck!
I wanted to take a photo of Gabriella with both Minnie and Mickey, but Gabriella was only interested in posing with Minnie!:
Striking another pose with Minnie and Mickey...:
...and another!:
I think Gabriella is the cutest child on this planet (she is, of course, her mother's daughter!). It always tickles me when people reaffirm this! It is not unusual for us to get stopped in public and for people to comment on how cute she is. Today, the compliments were endless. We even had a lady stop us to ask me if she could take a picture of Gabriella. At least she asked. There was a strange man in Disney World who I caught taking pictures of Gabriella which creeped me out.
I though this picture was so cute because it looks like Minnie Mouse was kissing Gabriella!:
Gabriella striking another pose in front of the ice before the show:
These are similar photos taken during our first Disney Ice show five months earlier. It is amazing how much Gabriella has changed in so little time:
Waiting for the show to begin:
Gabriella LOVES "cupon" (pronounced cup-on) aka popcorn so, of course, we had to have some while we were waiting for the show to begin!:
Since our trip to Disney World, specifically since our lunch with the princesses during our trip to Disney World, Gabriella DOES NOT like the princesses! On our ride in to see this show, Gabriella said, "No princesses." Of course, there were princesses, but Gabriella did okay since they were not too close.:
This is not a very good photo, but it shows how much Gabriella was enjoying the show.:
We had very good seats. They were a bit further back than our seats at our first show, but more centered. The only problem was that three adults were sitting in front of us, one of who had to have been over six feet tall, which slightly obstructed our view. During intermission we moved to an empty aisle seat behind some children. Gabriella is a "mover" so this was perfect for Gabriella because she was able to stand in the aisle and move and dance along.:
I typically do not buy souvenirs at these shows because they are way overpriced. For example, a t-shirt that you can currently buy at the Disney store for around $3 sells for about $20 at the show. Gabriella is typically satisfied with whatever themed items I bring with us from home. I do, however, buy the CD soundtrack if they offer one. Gabriella LOVES music and we always listen to children's music in the car, so I am always looking for new music for her. Plus, the CD's typically sell for around $15 which, I believe, is a reasonable price. When we saw this show the first time they did not have any CD's for sale. They did this time, though, so I bought it. The music was not the soundtrack from this show; it has songs from the past 25 years of Disney on Ice, so it included some older songs. We listed to the CD during our ride home. The CD had the song, "It's a Small World." I asked Gabriella if she remembered the song. She asked, "I sit there?" I asked her if she meant she wanted to sit on the ride again and she answered, "Yes." I told her we could ride "It's a Small World" again next time we go to Disney World. I was pleasantly surprised that she remembered the ride and that she correlated the song with the ride.
On our way home, we stopped for lunch. We shared a brownie sundae for dessert which was a highlight of the day for mommy! Another fun day with my little mouse!
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