Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Is Blogging Correlated to Gabriella Being Sick?!

I truly believe there is strong correlation between me blogging and Gabriella getting sick! Gabriella had a rough time with sickness from the time she arrived home until about February. While I was on "blogging-hiatus" she was not sick. Well, I am back to blogging and Gabriella spiked a fever last night (Sunday). Wouldn't you say there is a weird correlation here?!

Yesterday her eyes looked heavy and watery. She spiked a fever in the evening and when I was getting her ready for bed she was burning up. Other than the fever and heavy eyes, she was acting as she normally does and she was not fussing or giving us any indication that she had not been feeling well. We started her on Motrin and had a pretty rough night. Her fever was down to 99.7 by morning. I kept her in bed all day today. She was very tired and was napping frequently and her fever broke. She pulled at her ear one time this evening and her temperature is back up. She will be seeing her pediatrician tomorrow.

We were supposed to be taking her to Pennsylvania on Wednesday for the long weekend to visit Sesame Place and Six Flag's Animal Safari in New Jersey, but the plans are up in the air now depending on how she is feeling.

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