Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sick Again

On Friday, it appeared that we were healthily heading into the weekend and decided to take Gabriella to La Salette Shrine to see their annual Christmas light display. She was not really acting like herself, but I assumed it because we had her heavily bundled up so that she would stay warm. While we were walking around Gabriella started vomiting. We quickly got her in the car and had a messy and nerve-wracking ride home. We had to pull over several times and even had to stop at Auntie Kathy's and Uncle Al's house en route home because she was having a really hard time. She clearly had another stomach bug and my mother had had the same bug on Friday night.

We stayed in all day Saturday so that Gabriella could take it easy and rest. The vomiting turned into diarrhea, but it was not as bad as the symptoms she had when she had her stomach bug right before Thanksgiving.

We took it easy again on Sunday and she appeared better with no more stomach bug symptoms. She was on a bland diet with Pedialyte until Sunday afternoon at which time she had a late lunch of pasta. She did not have much of an appetite, but did eat a bit. Since she seemed better we decided to take her out for about an hour to see a live nativity at a Church near my home. We got her dressed and bundled her up again in her snow suit. (We had our first real snow today. Last Sunday we had some flurries, but today's snow accumulated a bit) She instantly became fussy. I figured it was from being bundled up again and thought that once she saw the snow and her cousins she would cheer up. No such luck.

We returned home and we discovered the problem...from the last diaper change to that diaper change (probably less than 2 hours) she had developed a very red, sore diaper rash and that was clearly why she was fussing. We are religious about applying diaper rash cream during every diaper change because she tends to have diaper rash issues, but we have had to switch to the prescription cream for her yeast infection. Grammy and Grampy were over our house and were able to help us through this episode. We kept her diaper off and lathered her up with diaper rash cream and it seemed to ease the soreness and the redness subsided. She sat with us to have dinner and during dinner she vomited again. There doesn't seem to be a break for sickness or issue right after the other. She is a trooper, though.

Hopefully things will make a major turn this week and she will have a healthy, strong week.

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