Gabriella got her first hair cut this evening. My hairdresser has been waiting to cut Gabriella's hair from the time I told her I was adopting! I went in thinking we would just do a trim to freshen it up, but we went a bit more dramatic than I had planned. We gave her a "Dora" style bob cut. It looks cute. I am going to try to grow her bangs out.
She did much better than I had expected. She fussed a bit and wiggled a bit, but not the screaming that I had expected.
I took a few photos and then my camera battery died...of all times! Luckily one of the hairstylists got photos of the actual cutting, but I have to wait to receive those photos by e-mail.
She did much better than I had expected. She fussed a bit and wiggled a bit, but not the screaming that I had expected.
I took a few photos and then my camera battery died...of all times! Luckily one of the hairstylists got photos of the actual cutting, but I have to wait to receive those photos by e-mail.

Thanks so much for all of the updates! I've been checking your blog over the past few weeks to see how it's going and I was so happy today to see all the pics! Looks like things are working out just like they should! Steve and I are very happy for you. Enjoy being a mom, I'm sure that you are just wonderful at it. I'll probably get some advice from you since Steve and I are now expecting baby Kansteiner! I'm due late May 09. Well congrats again on bringing your baby girl home. She is adorable and maybe some day we'll be able to meet her in person!