Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Still No News...AND The Situation is Worsening in Guatemala

Still no news about a referral. I am very frustrated.

Also, it appears that the situation regarding adoptions in Guatemala is worsening. The Marriott in Guatemala City (and I believe other hotels there too) is on lockdown due to protesting in the streets about adoptions. They have restricted all adoptive families to their rooms or the hospitality suites of the hotels. The Guatemala citizens feel that the relinquishment process is illegal because the surrender is not signed off in front of a judge. All relinquishment adoptions are done via the notorial process. All abandonments are done via a court order signed by a judge. Therefore, the Guatemalan Government is stating that all babies who are in custody of a foster mom or a hogar that do not have a judges order (an abandonment) are an illegal adoption. Apparently the Embassy is being "swarmed" as well. Rumor has it that UNICEF just gave Guatemala a huge financial sum to open orphanages and do away with foster mothers.

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