Not flesh of my flesh
nor bone of my bone
but still miraculously my own.

Never forget for a single minute
you didn't grow under my heart
but in it!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

3 Month Photos (From Gabriella's Foster Mother)

I just received these photos from Gabriella's foster mother!

Update on the Guatemala 5000 Initiative

From a posting by the Joint Council on International Children's Services (JCICS):

Through our collective efforts, the Guatemala 5000 Initiative has resulted in 203 Members of the United States Congress supporting the completion of all in-process adoptions via their signature on letters being sent today, October 31, 2007 to Guatemalan President Oscar Berger, UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman and UNICEF Guatemala Director Manuel Manrique. The 203 Senators and Representatives represent the largest number in the 22 year history of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption and the first time the Coalition has addressed UNICEF.

Hopefully these letters will encourage the continuation of a legal and expeditious adoption process for the thousands of children currently in Guatemalan orphanages and foster care, including Gabriella.

Eighth Call to Gabriella's Foster Family

Gia and I spoke to Gabriella’s foster family this evening. N. said that Gabriella is getting very fat and is very cute. She takes 5 oz. of formula at every feeding and they give her a bottle every time she cries. She is not on a consistent sleeping schedule and she likes to be rocked to sleep.

I asked if she plays with any of the toys I sent (I sent TONS of toys to her!). N. said that they show them to her but she mostly likes to play with her hands. N. said that she is starting to want to hold her bottle on her own.

N. said that she tried e-mailing me photos on Friday and she asked if I received them, but I did not. So that means that there are new photos of my precious baby girl stuck somewhere in cyberspace…very disappointing! N. said that she would try again. I will certainly post any new photos that I receive as soon as I receive them!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Seventh Call to Gabriella's Foster Family

Gia and I spoke to N.'s daughter, S. this evening. We even got to "speak" directly to Gabriella. The conversation consisted of me saying her name and how much I love her and her making sounds of frustration because she couldn't get the telephone in her mouth!

S. said that Gabriella went for her shots last week and weighed 11 pounds at the visit! S. also said that all of the clothes that I previously sent are either snug (probably the 0 - 3 month clothes) or fit just right (probably the 3 - 6 month clothes). Looks like I will be bringing larger clothes for her during my trip in December.

The director of my agency brought a package from me and my mother to Gabriella during her trip last week. The package consisted of a baby carrier, bottles, a couple onsies, more photos, and another cassette with music. The director took more photos and another video of Gabriella while she was there, so I should be receiving those soon.

S. said that Gabriella stays awake more now. She takes one two hour nap during the day and goes to bed for the night at around 6 PM.

At the end of this conversation, as I typically feel at the end of these conversations, I felt satisfied that she is well take care of and loved, but very sad that I cannot have her home and experience these changes with her directly.